Levi-Civita connection

In Riemannian geometry, the Levi-Civita connection is a specific connection on the tangent bundle of a manifold. More specifically, it is the torsion-free metric connection, i.e., the torsion-free connection on the tangent bundle (an affine connection) preserving a given (pseudo-)Riemannian metric.

The fundamental theorem of Riemannian geometry states that there is a unique connection which satisfies these properties.

In the theory of Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian manifolds the term covariant derivative is often used for the Levi-Civita connection. The components of this connection with respect to a system of local coordinates are called Christoffel symbols.

The Levi-Civita connection is named after Tullio Levi-Civita, although originally "discovered" by Elwin Bruno Christoffel. Levi-Civita,[1] along with Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro, used Christoffel's symbols [2] to define the notion of parallel transport and explore the relationship of parallel transport with the curvature, thus developing the modern notion of holonomy.[3]

The Levi-Civita notions of intrinsic derivative and parallel displacement of a vector along a curve make sense on an abstract Riemannian manifold, even though the original motivation relied on a specific embedding M^n \subset R^{n(n%2B1)/2}\,\!, since the definition of the Christoffel symbols make sense in any Riemannian manifold. In 1869, Christoffel discovered that the components of the intrinsic derivative of a vector transform as the components of a contravariant vector. This discovery was the real beginning of tensor analysis. It was not until 1917 that Levi-Civita interpreted the intrinsic derivative in the case of an embedded surface as the tangential component of the usual derivative in the ambient affine space.


Formal definition

Let (M,g)\,\! be a Riemannian manifold (or pseudo-Riemannian manifold). Then an affine connection \nabla is called a Levi-Civita connection if

  1. it preserves the metric, i.e., \nabla g = 0.
  2. it is torsion-free, i.e., for any vector fields X and Y we have \nabla_XY-\nabla_YX=[X,Y], where [X,Y]\,\! is the Lie bracket of the vector fields X and Y.

Condition 1 above is sometimes referred to as compatibility with the metric, and condition 2 is sometimes called symmetry, cf. DoCarmo's text.

Assuming a Levi Civita connection exists it is uniquely determined. Using conditions 1 and the symmetry of the metric tensor g we find:

 X (g(Y,Z)) %2B Y (g(Z,X))- Z (g(Y,X)) = g(\nabla_X Y %2B \nabla_Y X, Z) %2B g(\nabla_X Z - \nabla_Z X, Y) %2B g(\nabla_Y Z - \nabla_Z Y, X)

By condition 2 the right hand side is equal to

 2g(\nabla_X Y, Z) - g([X,Y], Z) %2B g([X,Z],Y) %2B g([Y,Z],X)

so we find

g(\nabla_X Y, Z) =  \frac{1}{2} \{ X (g(Y,Z)) %2B Y (g(Z,X)) - Z (g(X,Y)) %2B g([X,Y],Z) - g([Y,Z], X) - g([X,Z], Y) \}

Since Z is arbitrary, this uniquely determines \nabla_X Y. Conversely, using the last line as a definition one shows that the expression so defined is a connection compatible with the metric, i.e. is a Levi Civita connection.

Christoffel symbols

Let \nabla be the connection of the Riemannian metric. Choose local coordinates  x^1 \ldots x^n and let  \Gamma_{jk}^l be the Christoffel symbols with respect to these coordinates. The torsion freeness condition 2 is then equivalent to the symmetry

 \Gamma_{jk}^l = \Gamma_{kj}^l

The definition of the Levi Civita connection derived above is equivalent to a definition of the Christoffel symbols in terms of the metric as

 \Gamma_{jk}^l = \frac{1}{2}\sum_r g^{lr} \{\partial _j g_{rk} %2B \partial _k g_{jr} - \partial _r g_{jk} \}

where as usual g^{ij} are the coefficients of the dual metric tensor, i.e. the entries of the inverse of the matrix (g_{kl}).

Derivative along curve

The Levi-Civita connection (like any affine connection) also defines a derivative along curves, sometimes denoted by D.

Given a smooth curve \gamma on (M,g) and a vector field V along \gamma its derivative is defined by


(Formally D is the pullback connection on the pullback bundle γ*TM.)

In particular, \dot{\gamma}(t) is a vector field along the curve \gamma itself. If \nabla_{\dot\gamma(t)}\dot\gamma(t) vanishes, the curve is called a geodesic of the covariant derivative. If the covariant derivative is the Levi-Civita connection of a certain metric, then the geodesics for the connection are precisely those geodesics of the metric that are parametrised proportionally to their arc length.

Parallel transport

In general, parallel transport along a curve with respect to a connection defines isomorphisms between the tangent spaces at the points of the curve. If the connection is a Levi-Civita connection, then these isomorphisms are orthogonal – that is, they preserve the inner products on the various tangent spaces.


The unit sphere in \mathbb{R}^3

Let \langle \cdot,\cdot \rangle be the usual scalar product on \mathbb{R}^3. Let S^2 be the unit sphere in \mathbb{R}^3. The tangent space to S^2 at a point m is naturally identified with the vector sub-space of \mathbb{R}^3 consisting of all vectors orthogonal to m. It follows that a vector field Y on S^2 can be seen as a map

Y:S^2\longrightarrow \mathbb{R}^3,

which satisfies

\langle Y(m), m\rangle = 0, \forall m\in S^2.

Denote by dY the differential of such a map. Then we have:

Lemma The formula

\left(\nabla_X Y\right)(m) = d_mY(X) %2B \langle X(m),Y(m)\rangle m

defines an affine connection on S^2 with vanishing torsion.
It is straightforward to prove that \nabla satisfies the Leibniz identity and is C^\infty(S^2) linear in the first variable. It is also a straightforward computation to show that this connection is torsion free.
So all that needs to be proved here is that the formula above does indeed define a vector field. That is, we need to prove that for all m in S^2 \,

\langle\left(\nabla_X Y\right)(m),m\rangle = 0\qquad (1).

Consider the map

f: S^2 & \longrightarrow  \mathbb{R}\\
     m & \longmapsto      \langle Y(m), m\rangle.

The map f is constant, hence its differential vanishes. In particular

d_mf(X) = \langle d_m Y(X),m\rangle %2B \langle Y(m), X(m)\rangle = 0.

The equation (1) above follows.


In fact, this connection is the Levi-Civita connection for the metric on S^2 \, inherited from \mathbb{R}^3. Indeed, one can check that this connection preserves the metric.


  1. ^ See Levi-Civita (1917)
  2. ^ See Christoffel (1869)
  3. ^ See Spivak (1999) Volume II, page 238

See also


Primary historical references

Secondary references

External links